
KSAMC gives conditional approval for Fort Rocky event

Robert Hill, CEO, Kingston & St. Andrew Municipal Corporation
The Kingston & St. Andrew Municipal Corporation, along with key regulatory agencies, conducted a site inspection on Friday at Fort Rocky in preparation for the highly anticipated Good Times show, scheduled for today.
Robert Hill, CEO of the KSAMC, was joined by other representatives from the Jamaica Fire Brigade and Commanding Officer for Kingston Eastern & Port Royal, Deputy Superintendent Michelle Campbell.
Mr Hill said the inspection was aimed at assessing compliance with all regulatory requirements before final event approvals are granted.
He said, during the site visit, minor deviations from the approved plans were identified.
"These concerns were addressed with the event promoter, who has committed to implementing the recommended adjustments, to ensure full compliance," Mr Hill said.
He specified that the discussions focused on patron safety, emergency response preparations and other (unspecified) protocols, and... traffic management."
Designated locations must be assigned for parking at the event, he added.
These approved locations are the Port Royal cruise ship pier, the Jamaica Civil Aviation parking lot. 
From these parking locations, patrons will be shuttled to the show venue.
The only exceptions allowing parking at Fort Rocky will be for production crew "and a limited number of dignitaries."

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