
Less JUTC buses on the road

Several challenges facing the state-run Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) have resulted in a reduction in the number of the entity's buses operating since Tuesday.

This has led to long waits for passengers especially during peak hour.

Two major problems have been cited by the bus company.

Reginald Allen, JUTC Corporate Communications Manager, says persons have been plugging the air conditioning vents and without the ventilation systems the buses cannot operate.

“Problems relate to some physical challenges in keeping the rolling stock together in terms of the volume that is desired. Buses go down for a number of reasons; but heavily factored among them are challenges with air conditioning. To a great extent these are attributable to careless action among some commuters, especially the very young that tend to choke air conditioning vents with garbage which shouldn’t be on the bus anyway,” he said.

In addition, the JUTC is facing cash flow problems.

This is due to the late release of subventions from the Government.

“To help to allay the financial challenges with rolling out an extensive fleet every day, consistently. It is something that is being addressed and improvements are in the works, so I daresay tomorrow will be better than today,’ Mr. Allen said.



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