
New guidelines for TRN application

Tax Administration Jamaica, (TAJ), has announced that, effective Saturday, June 1, the requirements needed for those applying for a Taxpayer Registration Number (TRN) have been modified.

Where a certified photograph is submitted along with an application, it must be accompanied by a Declaration for Certifying Official form, completed by the certifying official, such as a Justice of the Peace (JP), Minister of Religion, Attorney-at-law, School Principal, Member of Parliament, Senior Civil Servant, Senior Police Officer or Medical Doctor.

Where photographs are signed by a Justices of the Peace (JP), the assigned JP number must be quoted.

The declaration form is available at tax offices and on TAJ’s website

The TAJ has also expanded the information available for other  applicants. Applicants such as schools, government agencies and public bodies, charities and non-profit organisations, churches, pension schemes, as well as overseas companies and individuals, will now find it easier to access information about the requirements for applying for a TRN.        

The updates have been introduced to protect the integrity of the TRN database, in addition to providing clearer guidelines for all types of applicants    

For more information contact Tax Administration Jamaica’s Customer Care Centre at 1-888-Tax-Help (829-4357) or visit their website at

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