
UCASE hires lawyers to challenge legality of security guard contracts

UCASE President Vincent Morrison
A legal showdown is looming between Jamaica's security guards and their employers concerning new contracts being offered to them.
Vincent Morrison, President of the Union of Clerical Administrative and Supervisory Employees (UCASE), told Radio Jamaica News that the union has hired a team of attorneys to challenge the legality of the contracts.
According to Mr. Morrison, the new contracts would "extinguish all benefits" such as vacation leave which the guards are now entitled to following a court ruling last year that effectively changed their status to that of employees. 
The UCASE president urged the Ministry of Labour to convene a meeting with the security guards and their employers "so that the matter can be resolved going forward".   
He said the union's lawyers "will be doing what is necessary from a legal standpoint to protect those guards who refuse to sign" as well as guards who have already agreed to the contracts. 

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