
Austin "Jack" Warner steps down as Trinidad and Tobago's National Security Minister

Austin “Jack” Warner, Trinidad and Tobago’s embattled Minister of National Security , resigned on Sunday, less than 72 hours after the publication of a report by the CONCACAF Interrity Committee that was very critical of the former international football official0.

News of his resignation came from Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar .

“I have today accepted the resignation of the Minister of National Security Mr. Jack Warner from the Cabinet of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. I wish to thank Mr. Warner for his service to the government and people of Trinidad and Tobago,” she said.

In a brief statement, following an emergency Cabinet meeting at her private home at Palmiste,  located to the south the capital – Port of Spain,  the Prime Minister  said she had advised President Anthony Carmona “to revoke the appointment of Mr. Warner” and appoint Works and Infrastructure Minister Emmanuel George as the new National Security minister.

Local Government Minister Suruj Rambachan will take over George’s portfolio.

Warner’s removal from the Cabinet followed widespread calls for the Prime Minister to act immediately on the contents of the report of the CONCACAF Integrity Committee that was made public on Friday.

The Congress of the People (COP), the second biggest partner in the four-party coalition People’s Partnership government, said that Warner, who served as CONCACF president for nearly two decades, should either step down or be removed.

Opposition Leader Dr. Keith Rowley, head of the People's National Movement, had also called for his removal.

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