Transport Minister Daryl Vaz
Transport Minister Daryl Vaz says maintenance staff at the Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) will undergo training in preparation for the widespread launch of electric buses.
In closing the Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives last week, Leader of Government Business Edmund Bartlett said 50 new buses would arrive on the island by this Friday, among them, five electric buses.
Following Mr. Bartlett's presentation, Opposition Spokesman on Transport Mikael Phillips raised questions about whether local technicians would be able to repair and maintain the electric buses.
In response, Minister Vaz told Radio Jamaica News that the five electric buses would bring to six the number of units on the island. He said the EV buses are being introduced as part of a pilot.
"As the progress of the pilot programme continues, we will get a better understanding of the additional equipment that will be required. And as is a norm, our maintenance staff at the JUTC will be exposed to extensive training before they work on the units. And of course, we will work with the dealers and suppliers through the transfer of skills and information," he said.
Mr. Vaz added that there is a plan to import 100 electric buses in the next fiscal year and 100 more by 2026.
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